Maryland Prostitution Lawyer
Prostitution, the exchange of sex or sex acts for hire, is illegal in nearly every state, including Maryland. Prostitution and related crimes, such as human trafficking and involvement in houses of prostitution, are serious offenses under state law earning substantial criminal penalties. Solicitation alone may result in a large fine and jail time, while more serious offenses such as receiving earnings of a prostitute can lead to 10 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines.
Further, the prostitution subtitle under Maryland law allows a person charged with prostitution or solicitation to also be charged with any other crime under the applicable law. For instance, a charge of assault may accompany a charge of solicitation of prostitution depending on the specific circumstances, thus increasing your criminal penalties and legal difficulties.
If you have been charged with prostitution in Maryland, you probably fear the devastating effects on your personal life as much as the legal consequences of your action. Given the seriousness of the charge of prostitution or solicitation, if you are facing such a charge, or believe you may be under investigation, you should contact an experienced attorney. A skilled Maryland prostitution lawyer can closely evaluate your case to work to build the best possible defense, mitigating any legal or personal ramifications, and even potentially beating the charges.
- If you face one or more of these charges it is crucial that you contact a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible in order to protect your rights.
For more detail regarding these laws you can read the Maryland Official Code.