Maryland Personal Injury Blog

Law Offices of Jezic & Moyse, LLC.

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JonathanCarroll Maryland Personal Injury Blog

Jonathan Carroll

Maryland Accident lawyer.

* The results below may not occur in each individual case.

Spring 2015,

  • What is my Injury case worth

    After being injured in a car accident, incurring medical bills, losing time from work and just generally feeling rotten, it is not uncommon to wonder, “how much money am I going to get”. Having counseled hundreds of clients who have been hurt by the mistakes of others, I am often asked this question. The very honest and often frustrating answer is, “it depends.” Every case really is different and a multitude of factors are considered in evaluating a case.

    Some of those factors are obvious. For example, the amount of medical bills, length of treatment and amount of damage to the vehicles involved almost always weigh heavily in evaluating a case. Bruises, scaring and permanent injuries are also big factors that should be fully examined.

    However, the injury attorneys at Jezic & Moyse, LLC also take the time to investigate the less obvious components of an injury claim. For example, did the injury limit a mother’s ability to give her young child the nightly bath, or did it stop an elderly couple from taking their daily walk together? We strive to dig deeper to understand the human component to an injury claim that goes beyond the medical bills and lost wages. A student athlete who has to sit out a season of basketball because of an injury is going to be damaged in ways that will not fully explained in a medical record or on a medical bill.

    If you have questions about the compensation for your injuries, contact the attorneys at Jezic & Moyse, LLC for a free consultation.


Fall of 2014,


Summer of 2014,




Spring of 2014,













Summer of 2013,





Please keep in mind that every case is different and that these results do not reflect the value of your case. No outcome is guaranteed. To learn more about the value of your case, please contact one of our Maryland Personal Injury Attorneys.

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